Thursday, October 14, 2010


Stress (biology) terms from Wikipedia:
Stress is a term in psychology and biology, first coined in the biological context in the 1930s, which has in more recent decades become commonly used in popular parlance. It refers to the consequence of the failure of an organism – human or animal – to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined.

Stress ( in my limited existence termology ) :
Work Stress + Long Working Hrs + Limited Sleep => 
Crazy girl with limited "brain juice" and spend her weekends either Sleeping for 20hrs OR back to Work...

Yup, I know. I KNOW... I made a pact to myself that for 2010, I will post at least something everything few
days. Look what happen? 5 months since my last post.

Alas, I only have one word for my daily affairs => Work Stress.
Have been very super busy for the past few months and will be busy again until Dec.

Posted some stuff which I made during some spare time when I really just need to get away for everything.
Check out my the other blog @

Till I post again...
안녕히 가세요! 
Annyeong hi gye se yo!)